Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Did I ever tell you
How you live in me
Every waking moment even in my dreams
And if all this talk is crazy
And you dont wut I mean
Does it really matter
Just as long as I believe

I will love again though my heart is breaking
I will love again stronger then before
I will love again even if it takes a lifetime
to get over you heaven only knows
I will love again

People never tell you
How really true you feel
I would die for you gladly
If I knew what loss for me
So if all this talk sounds crazy
And the words dont come out right
Doesnt really matter
If it gets me through this night

I will love again

And do you know
I will love again

You can't stop me from loving again,
breathing again, feeling again

I will love again.......

I will Love again - Lara Fabian

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:54:00 AM

-ThE EnD-

Monday, October 11, 2004

++mOOdy MoNdAy++
Ehhhh... today is gotta be the last day i going to skool for any lesson this sem, Hehe... wake up so early, go there just go get my OOP results, *haiz...* quite lame... then after that, have lunch, ehhh... surprise that canteen is still open! Hehe... i think skool has less than 100 students today, haha... so canteen is really empty~ then after that wait for my friend to come, then did wireless jam, hmm... got 1 game idea liao, then make another idea too, so now got 2, Hehe... i like the second 1 better, then my other team mates keep looking at girls photo only... Muee.... gotta force them like mad just so that they start doing work, then wanted to go home as early as possible, but lame here lame there, waste time here waste time there, ahhh... 4+ liao... *haiz...* so gotta go liao, ahhh... never study at all for today, *haiz...* friday exam lehh... *haiz...* then go with my friend go AMK eat, Haha... saw my band's guitarist, hehe... quite near his skool mah, then chat up with him abit, then after that go home, ehhh.. 7+ liao... then play game :X bath, still play game, Haha... no choice, tomorrow then study :P then came here blogging, mueeee~ then go play online game, ahhh... today i got attack then *haiz...* loss alot of 'thugs' so gotta build up again, this time i'll have more defense! Hehe... after that, came back here blogging, muee~ gotta sleep early today, so good night~ bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:06:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Sunday, October 10, 2004

++SuNNy sUnDaY++
Weeee... sunday! Haha... morning was kinda bad, was still sleeping, then got like endless phone call, ahhhh, asking for my mother, for my brother, for my father, ask if my father got buy breadfast? Ahhhh! how i know? i still sleeping lah! *haiz...* then no mood to sleep liao, ehhh, today is the funny funny channel 8, 11am show last ep.! Haha... really nice! even though i watch before liao, Haha... still so funny~ weeeee... then my brother and father go eat lunch, never help me buy... ehhh... then 3pm then go downstair eat, mueeee... ordered alot of stuffs :X Haha... chicken curry and fried noodles, Haha... ahhh... full~ then came home, ehhh, tired, so took a nap :X Haha... really being a little piggy liao~ :X then again, always sleeping, so many phone call! Uweee... in half hour time, wake up 3 times just to pick up phone, and my mother, dunno wad she doing, know my father go out still can call and ask me where is he? he got cut hair? hey, wads a hand phone for? *Haiz...* then finally can get some good rest... ahhhh... wake up 7pm+ liao~ hehe... never eat dinner, no money... :X Haha... then just nice my mother call back, so ask her take-away for me, mueee... she came home with $4 worth of chicken wings, and that means 10+ chicken wings! Haha... weeee... was really hungry by home, so hehe... having fun~ Haha... then around 12pm, go online, chatting, these day really grow tired of blogging liao~ :X Haha... gotta push myself to blog for you loh. :P then tomorrow gotta go skool take OOP assigment results, ahhh... skool officially close 2 weeks liao, tomorrow still gotta go back, poor thing rite? :X Haha... okay okay~ gotta go sleep liao~ Good Night~ bye bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:54:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

++PaSt wEeK SoNgs FaVoUrItEs++

+ToP 3 sOnGs fOr Me...+

1) To Be With You - Mr. Big
Hey baby~ to be with you, feel it too... weeeee... really a great song, what more can you say after you heard this song? Haha... deep inside, really a meaningful song, first heard it on an advertisment and went and download, wooh, really great song~ Let me be the one to show you~ nice nice~ number 1!

2) Californication - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Wooh, this is 1 of my favourite songs from RHCP. the lyrics is really meaningful~ and if you understand the title then listen the music, you will know why, a simple yet great song, been listening to it all week, so number 2!

3) Open Your Eyes - Alter Bridge
Eh, didn't really heard of this song or this band until last week, when my friend send me this song, hey, its not bad! when will i open my eyes? Haha... nice melody, catchy tune and great lyrics, cool~ nice song~ number 3!

+Chosen Lyrics for this Week...+
"Will you, Will you love me tomorrow? So Will You, Will you stay with me today? Will you, Will you be here tomorrow? So Will You, you remember yesterday? Will you? So Will You?"
Will You - P.O.D

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:21:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Saturday, October 09, 2004

++sLeEpy sAteRdAy++
Weeee, weekend! Haha... today again woke up really late, :P then go eat lunch, came home, play game, then ehhhh, too tired, took a nap :X Ahhhh! woke up late for church liao! then no choice, gotta rush down... then after chruch, came home, chatting and blogging liao, Ahhh... miss my guitar, Lend to my friend for a gig, Ahhhh... my guitar~ mueee, then also haven really study today, Ahhh... dunno exam how, can give me some luck? Hehe... okay lah, too much sleep today, still so tired, Bye bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:49:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Friday, October 08, 2004

++fReAkY fRiDaY++
Wooohh... today was ehhhh... suppose to go out and have fun, Hmmm... I woked up at 12noon :X Haha... finally a day where can sleep late, but for the outing i forced myself to wake up, then meeting time was 2pm at orchard, so i was abit like rushing out of the house liao, then get to orchard MRT about 2pm, Hmmm... suppose to meet the 'rest' there, but ehhh... seems like only i am there... then waited waited, about 2.35pm++ then one appear, then 2.45pm another 2 appear, wahhh, so early ah? then still can say meeting our class people is like that one, hey, i knoe i would have stayed home and sleep... Mueee, then i thought alot of people will come 1, then end up this 1 no coming, that 1 dun wanna come, so left ehhh, 5? Haha... then another woking, another wahhh, i heard just woke up, but nvm lahhh, atleast still manage to watch a movies at around 5pm, so got ehhh, 8 people... Haha... and i was abit piss lah, sorry that i scolded or cursed at your, Haha... then kinda lame also, my friend just burn 'white chicks' but then i when to watch it in movies today, Haha... but nvm, it is a really good movie! really funny! Haha... cant stop luffing~ then also ehhh, saw my friend 'shawn' outside the theater, and she was asking for 'shaun' Haha... then after that, when to far east plaza, walk around and see people eat dinner, lolz... not hungry, then after that was finding a place to chill out, hmmm... then found a small, really dark bar, mueee, inside was dark, but feels soothing and confortable, Haha... then drink abit :X ehhh, i think i going to be alcoholic liao :X Uweeee~ then we was playing some games, ahhh, i accidently hit the waiter, Haha... he seems piss, cose i knock out all the chips he holding :X mueeee... i never saw him from behind mahhh... then after that go home liao, hmmm, overall quite okay lah, today also suppose to celebrate my friend birthday but the one with the present never come, Haha... like that also can? then came home, blogging, chatting, time to sleep liao~ Good Night... bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:35:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Thursday, October 07, 2004

++tHuR tHuRsDaY++
Woooooh... today MMID last lesson, was late for skool liao, then go too class, ehhh... so little ppl, haha... 5 people in class only... Haha... my poor mentor, and yes, my mentor has a personal verdenda against me, Ahhh... so this is 1 hard module to due with man... *haiz...* then finish class in 1hour again, Haha... then go egarge, today got the robo code demo~ Haha... saw some really cool robo, and duck and shoot and kill, woooh, then the top prize is ipod! i wannnnnnn! but got lots of strong competition man... Haha... then was lameing and gotta waste time till 5+ for fencing... so in egarge, wasting time, mueeee~ there is slowly becoming my second home liao~ Haha... then go fencing, ehhh... got camp, and got alot of 'funny' activites, mueeee~ i dun wanna go~ Haha... then training was quite okay, suppose to be relax training cose they say we stress, Hehe... but then still got people faint... Then go eat lunch, ahhh... 9++ liao~ really late man... then go bus stop... 10+ liao! Ehhhh... still saw my friend there... Haha... so late man... then tomorrow finally end of all skool! go tomorrow suppose to go movies with my class and rest and relax before exam, so currently having fun~ Hehe... end of blogging~ Good Night~ Bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:19:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

+sLeEpY wEdeSdAy++
Wooooh, got afew classes today~ hehe... early morning go NF class, mueee~ dunno Y still got, then the teacher like dun wanna teach 1, Haha... last lesson liao lah, still so unhappy~ Haha... but i like his lesson, cause can come late still be mark present, Hehe... then was chatting and distrubing ppl in class :X after NF, DB, ahhhh... i never print past year paper, never do also, so ehhh... when to printing room, 'stole' so papers, and.... copy copy copy all the teacher's answers~ weee... was trying to do some question till i saw the teacher's answer paper on my table... Hmmm... so lucky, so i copy everything :P Haha... then told teacher i copy finish liao, can copy the last last year paper answer? Haha... then i force her by saying i saw the paper on her desk liao~ Haha... so... she let me copy copy copy~ hehe... then copy until hand pain ahhh... Haha... atleast i got some model answer liao :P then after DB, found out that no OOP class~ weeeee... time to go home~ Haha... so after lunch, when home really early~ play game, sleep :X eat... then blogging, chatting, Haha... never really do much, and ahhh, individual exam timetable out liao, Mueeee... next week start exam liao and i haven study... Ahhhh... nvm lah, relax first, Hehe... thats all for today~ byebyeeeee.... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:06:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

++tUeSY dAy++
Woooh, just had really 'short' day for me today, woke up around 9++ then play game, bath then chiong to skool liao, meeting my friends for Wireless jam proposal, ahhh, manage to do abit only, *haiz...* but we got some ideas liao~ hehe... then ate lunch at canteen 1 in skool, hmmm... not bad~ hehe... then was at egarge till WM lesson... Ahhhh... this is the shortest possible day of lesson in skool... 1hour only... hmmm... revision 1 hour only? sure can score? -_- but its quite good, Hehe... at least cleared abit of WM liao... then go back egarge, do abit of rubbish, then join 1 of the SIG for meeting, hmmm... only year 3 theres, so stress :X haha... but nothing much too, feeling like abit waste of time, thennnn.... *haiz...* today is the second day i am leaving egarge and ngee ann poly at 7+pm! :( then go bukit timah plaza eat dinner with them, KFC~ weeee~ Hehe... then Haha... saw my jappy teacher with her friend buying durians~ Haha... so went up and greet her, not bad! still remenber me :P maybe was due too all the empty homework and stuffs :X Haha... then came home, ahhh... 10+ bath and blogging~ muee~ gotta sleep~ tomorrow normal day for me, so long day lah.... nite nite~ bye~ Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:56:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

++sOnG LyRiCs++

Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication

It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood Sells

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is that war your waging

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Marry me girl be my fairy to the world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
It's Californication

Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderon's not far away
It's Californication

Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population everybody’s been there and
I don't mean on vacation

Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar
They're just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn't save the world From

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Sicker than the rest
There is no test
But this is what you’re craving

Californication - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:41:00 AM

-ThE EnD-

Monday, October 04, 2004

++mOnDaY sTrEsS++
Yaho~ ahhh... today is again, another super duper long day, *Haiz...* was quite late today liao, but then go class, ahhh... the teacher again got nothing to teach, so we are quite free again, Haha... then in class wad like we all playing the online war game, so the 7 of us was discussing and using the skool computer to go in and attack people... Haha... :X then after NF class, go to DB, ahhh... in class assigment, got A only, Uweee... its quite okay, but then this means, lots of work for Final exam... *Haiz...* then also in class talk rubbish again, Haha... teacher walking around modelling only :X Hehe... then the class end up discuss about Beer & wine, Ahhh... Beer is heathy for you lah... Haha... then lunch tried the fryed fish soup, Hmm... not bad~ Hehe... then skipped NF tutorial class today, ahhh, thats the last hour the teacher is having with us :X Haha... but then go to the e-garage and have a pre-meeting meeting, to clear up things, then at around 3, go with my friend to level 8 to scan our cards, uweee~ just nice saw the NF lecturer! Haha... but then the lecture like never see us 1, :X Haha... how can he forget his students? Then at 4, SCS, meeting, 5 e-garage main committee meeting, *Haiz...* today's meeting is really crappy, talk rubbish only, and feel like i was plainly bull shitting, only, somemore meeting till 7+ leh, but i think we manage to do abit of the Robo code event thing... then go eat dinner, came only 9.00pm liao, so i have spent 12 hours ourside, *Haiz...* tired ahhh... then play game, bath, go online, got bugg for CSA again, Uweeee... still almost bursting my blood vessels, haha... but 1 more day only, then test day, so i think still can teach, but CSA alot i dunno lahhh... Haha... Uweee... then came here blogging, really late liao, *Haiz...* this few days didnt even have time to go read my friends blog, Uweee~ i try to visit you all k? Then also tomorrow only going to skool aroun 1+, lesson at 3-5, WM only, Hehe... so can sleep late, but still must settel wireless jam proposal, Ahhhh... Stress ahhh... :X okay okay, time too sleep liao~ take care... Good nite~ bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:59:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Sunday, October 03, 2004

++sIaNiNg SuNdAy++
Woooh... today ahhh... really tired, need sleep, Haha... never really gone out today, except to go buy food, :X woke up quite late liao, close too noon :X then eat lunch and breadfast together, then after that go play game liao, weeee~ finally 1 weekend where there is no assigment and stuffs and relax, but all today's plan all got cancel, ahhh... should be playing basketball in the morning 1, but cancel, then evening should be go eat steamboat and BBQ 1, but also cancel, ahhh... i was almost going out of house liao, then end up, staying at home and watch anime.... Ahhh... chobits berry nice! hehe... i wan a human computer too :X then after dinner, playing guitar, thennn... zzz.... Haha... too tired liao, then took a short nap, wake up go online, uweee~ got bug for CSA liao, ahhhh... Today also gonna burst my blood vessels again, then finally manage to say i going liao~ hehe... okay lah, i really tired liao, sleeping time~ Good nite~ byebye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:50:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

++PaSt wEeK SoNgs FaVoUrItEs++

+Top 3 songs for me...+

1) If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys
Mue~ this song really romantic! Heard while watch Singapore idol so immediately go download liao~ Haha... This song says onething, that everything means nothing, if i ain't got you, i want nothing if i aint' got you baby, I want You! luvs... Number 1 top choice this week!
2) Break Away - Kelly Clarkson
I'll take a chance and break away! This song is about trying to do something that you always wanted, I'm learning too, so gotta find the chance and break away, but i will not forget all the ones that i luvs, current lots of weakness ahhh, gotta improve, so working hard now ^_^ song number 2 this week!
3) Life Sweet Bitter Love, Music Box - To heart
This is a really really sweet short instrumental song that i am currently playing right now, Yes, this is the song at this bloggy~ Hehe... i first heard this song quite long time ago in secondary skool, its song comes from the jappy drama, "To Heart" also a berry sweet drama, this song has accompany me for a long time liao, and i think it will be a long time till i chance the song of this bloggy, so for now, life sweet bitter love! Music Box Number 3!

+Chosen Lyrics for this Week...+
"So after all's said and done, I know I'm not the only one, Life indeed can be fun, If you really want to, Sometimes living out your dreams, Ain't as easy as it seems, You wanna fly around the world, In a beautiful balloon, Life, Oh Life..." Life - Des'ree

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:19:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

Saturday, October 02, 2004

++sAtErDaY SaTeRdAy++
Weekends! yeah~ Haha... okay, woke up quite than when to my friend's house to learn guitar, ahhh... really got alot of things i dun know and cant do, uweee~ practice practice and practice man... ahhh... then came home then play game liao! Hehe... afterthat, went to chruch, came home ahhh... 10pm liao! hmmm, like this is my today ah? wooh, like i never do anything at all... Uweee... then go online, chatting, play some online clicking game, uweee~ how come got some of them so fast 1! ahhh... the game just start, they afew millions ahead of you liao, uweee~ then my gang from number 2 in the game, drop till dunno wad liao~ Ahhhh... then discuss and chat chat about egarge and some activites, hehe... feels really like we are angels infont of lectures but our horns and tails are coming out liao~ Haha.. :X then was teaching one year 1 about CSA, okay, i admit i was close to busting one of my blood vessels, :X after so many time i explain, i hope she understand~ okie? ganbatte!! uweee~ all the year 1, after next week holiday liao! like 3 weeks eariler that us loh, ahhhh... this sem holiday really not going to be like holiday liao, got events, competitions, camps, india community service, stuffs, and more stuffs! ahhhh... uweee~ i really need to sleep liao, i need rest! :X Good nite! byebye...

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:23:00 AM

-ThE EnD-

Friday, October 01, 2004

++fReEy fRiDaY++
HellO! today is the jappy test! also means the class ever class of IS for this sem! hmmm, wake up quite late liao, so gotta chiong to skool~ ahhh, lucky never late, then still can get abit of food before going to class, Hmmm, the writing test is quite okay, write a letter to the teacher~ Haha... dunno if i got write correctly or not, cause i wrote a couple of rubbish :P then suppose to meet my friends to go watch movies then! someone call me early the morning, wake me up somemore! ahhh... today got india trip berifing! at 5! so... ehhh... they dun wanna watch liao~ uweee~ means no movies today, ehhh, then india trip, ehhh, got alot of pre-india activites leh, got a bonding camp for the people going, buy and assemble some computer, then still got quite alot of things, then after the berifing, when to orchard to walk walk and eat dinner, then went home, uweee~ quite late liao, then found my brother playing game in my room, ahhh! had a hard time chasing me out, *haiz...* then bath, go online chatting, then come here blogging. Hehe... today is children's day! so Happy children's Day! yipeee~ Then finally! tomorrow is weekends so again its time to sleep liao, and laze around~ Haha... okay, gotta go sleep liao~ Goodie nightie~ bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:53:00 AM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
MSN* benjon85@hotmail.com
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]