Sunday, October 03, 2004

++sIaNiNg SuNdAy++
Woooh... today ahhh... really tired, need sleep, Haha... never really gone out today, except to go buy food, :X woke up quite late liao, close too noon :X then eat lunch and breadfast together, then after that go play game liao, weeee~ finally 1 weekend where there is no assigment and stuffs and relax, but all today's plan all got cancel, ahhh... should be playing basketball in the morning 1, but cancel, then evening should be go eat steamboat and BBQ 1, but also cancel, ahhh... i was almost going out of house liao, then end up, staying at home and watch anime.... Ahhh... chobits berry nice! hehe... i wan a human computer too :X then after dinner, playing guitar, thennn... zzz.... Haha... too tired liao, then took a short nap, wake up go online, uweee~ got bug for CSA liao, ahhhh... Today also gonna burst my blood vessels again, then finally manage to say i going liao~ hehe... okay lah, i really tired liao, sleeping time~ Good nite~ byebye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:50:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]