Saturday, October 09, 2004

++sLeEpy sAteRdAy++
Weeee, weekend! Haha... today again woke up really late, :P then go eat lunch, came home, play game, then ehhhh, too tired, took a nap :X Ahhhh! woke up late for church liao! then no choice, gotta rush down... then after chruch, came home, chatting and blogging liao, Ahhh... miss my guitar, Lend to my friend for a gig, Ahhhh... my guitar~ mueee, then also haven really study today, Ahhh... dunno exam how, can give me some luck? Hehe... okay lah, too much sleep today, still so tired, Bye bye... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:49:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]