Wednesday, April 26, 2006

++SkOOL FiRsT dAy++

Woke up today by my handphone, ah? OMG! i got a job, haha, Relief teacher! yay! at jiemin primary skool, (sounds unknown & far), erm, needa reach by 12, got 2 hours to reach there and i endup dressing like a pizzahut waiter, hahahaha... took bus->mrt->bus still need about 1hour to reach there, its quite a new skool and yes, its in Chongpang! Yishun!

Sign a bunch of papers, then got my first timetable for today, wahahaha, erm? didnt u say primary 6? i endup relief primary 1! 1 CaRe! haha... Miss lynn(a kind teacher) then told me, "usually 1 class got about 1 ruskas, so must look out" hahahaha... sounds dangerous! then i was lead to meet Mrs Bok, the overall teacher-in-charge of primary 1, she lead to mdm Zuraina table, explain that usually dun give homework, cose parents may freak out, hahahaha... then she also dunno where the class stop, so ask me go ask the class... erm... ask me ask the class? primary 1 class? hahaha... teaching english, maths, social study, arts, music, character first, so basically except for mother toung and PE, they see me! hahahaha...

WA, today timetable super cool! class only 4pm-5pm, 5.30pm-6.30pm, 4 period only and i was there at 12! LOL endup sitting there, see their workbook and homeworkbook, nowadays student so many workbook, haha... call koo, goosip about 1st day at work, call alvin talk rubbish, haha... then was called into a meeting!

Meeting! so fast!!! 1st day at work, hahahaha... was ask to count the english and math class test 3 paper and input the number of failures, WA, my class was the worst, bad! only 55% pass and most are bordeline... bad again! then found out that i was the relief teacher's relief, haha... the form teacher go have babies, the relief teacher quit like after 2days? hahahaha...

So, i wait wait, eat, walk around, finally, 4pm! my first class! okay! must have fun and do my best! weeee.... i walk into the class, WA, got shocked! hahaha... everyone was running around, playing! omg, "SIT DOWN!" hahahaha... no use 1, 1min later, all running again! bad bad! go i ask them all to sit down on the floor infront, WA they tell me cannot, got HFMD, then ask me let all of them go wash hand, big mistake too! (walk pass other class, all sitting on the floor and they no need wash hand, classroom got sink, cool rite?) hahahaha... ended up 2 period didnt do anything, OMG, and just the first period got 1 ger(xiao wei) crying liao! got someguy bang her table, and hitted her, WA, omg! bad! so endup, i got everyone to bring their chair to the front sit and WA again! they all so enthu, all sit all theway to the whiteboard... hahahaha, really... how am i gtg get them to read english textbook together?

Shocked! okay lah, thats too drama liao, hahaha, i keep thinking on how to teach them? so endup bring maths workbook for them too do, WA, atleast that manage to get them to do some work, hahaha... teaching them 1 by 1 is fun :X weee! but shouting at them is not fun! almost didnt stop scolding(running, standingup, fighting) hahahaha... sorry was too mean too them.

Because they didnt have PE today, raining, they keep begging me, mostly from Yuhao(fighter), really he wants to beat everyone, madness hahahaha... really, they got too much energy, endless energy, mostly the boys! so last 5 mins of class, i let them play catching in class, WA, is chaos! hahahaha... but kinda fun, :X i was guarding the door, and asking them to lower volume, LOL!

By the end of the day, 3 cried in my class today, endless scolding by me and i found that the only way for them is to be feared, got 1 teacher, dunno name, hahaha... she was at the meeting too, kinda nice lady, smiling aways, then she came to the hall, scream at my class and finally, all sit
still and face front. LOL!

But, today was fun!!! 1 CaRe...

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:14:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]