Friday, April 28, 2006

++ 3Rd dAy aT sKooL++

3rD day at skool! hahahaha... i think maybe my last day teaching P1, well, again, trying my best to reach early, but didnt again, hahaha... on my way there, bought some mentos, hahahaha... thats gonna be my secert weapon today, Wahaha... didnt manage to eat Lunch again...

1st period, let them read some stories book, omg! can u believe, ppl crying already on the first period, hahahaha... after that took primary 4 Diligence, hmmm, well, they are more orderly but less fun, most are kinda moody and boring, and they all just play their own pokemon cards or do their art! But the fun part was me teaching them Health education, WA, ask them do 1 page, wad is puperty? wads changes does the body have? hahahaha... guess wad the textbook rite? when u undergo puperty, your face becomes oily and have pimpus and you may develop a body order, OMG, cant believe i ask them to write that, hahahaha...

After that i manage to grab something to eat in my only free period and recess and rush all the markings finish, hahahaha... well, today gonna give them some english vocabs and terms to read and go home study.

Was kinda in a rush and grabbing my handphone and mentos and maths workbook and rolls of english papers, when to make photocopys of caterpiller, then rush to the gathering area outing canteen to lead them to class. Hahahaha, go in class, nithiya is crying already, WA, the class told me she drop her jelly then other ppl laugh at her, so she hungry, so i ask the class if anyone got extra food can give her? hahahaha... alot of ppl offer food, WA, like all never eat 1, LOL and really this class like 1 big family mostly will help 1 anyother, and they fight to help, hahahaha...

I ask them to take their chairs and sit in front, WA, just like this alot need me to start screaming at them, LOL, sorry, didnt wanted to scold on my last day, hahahaha... after i scolded yuhao for lying around and didnt want to bring his chair to the front, then i told them that i will ask them question about the english vocabs paper and if they answer correctly, they will get a sweet and yuhao surprise me with his respond "you think we animals is it? answer and get sweet, i dun wan" WA, are u primary 1? OMG...

But still the sweet prove to much and he endup trying to answer my questions, WA, i started with asking them about occupations, after i go through with them, many still answer me farmer and doctor for every question, OMG... hahahaha, and i tot give them a easy 1, with asking "who cuts your hair?" WA, the whole class start shouting "barber, barber, baber" alltogether, OMG! Hahahaha, almost laugh out again, hahahaha... then hairani start to cry, cose she wants sweet but everyquestion regardless of question she still answer farmer, hahahaha... so gotta coax her, hahaha, after about 1 hour of english, i gave everyone sweets and let them eat and rest awhile, WA, nazrey cried too, cose he ate the sweet eariler and sabavish was trying to stop him, to the extend of trying to grab the sweet from him, wad a bad boy! hahahaha... coax him with another mentos too, hahaha...

nazrey is really a quiet kid, always sitting there byhimself, he sit behind jingxin, alone, staring at space, and no doing work, but he surpise me when i teach him 1 question, he manage to finish doing the rest when i was sitting beside him teaching others, hahahaha...

Yesh, and when they start to do their maths, well, i ask them to finish the entire book, hahahaha... about 10 pages only lah, i got 4 more periods with them, 6 straight period today after recess to end of skool, really OMG! hahahaha... then i took out my phone and start taking pictures, hahahaha... i took my cute jingxin first, hahahaha, i always try to take fast so the quality like abit blur, boo... well, they almost caught me, say WA, camera! but i hide it and they endup just continue their stuffs, well, the kids are everywhere, running, xiaowei always love sitting on the teachers chair(maybe because her chair is a small red 1, white small blue table, like kindergarden), hahahaha, so afew of them are doing the maths on the teachers table and chair, until the malay teacher came in asking me for a letter that a student pass me earlier, so i left the class to go take the letter, after i came back, WA, everyone was sitting at their own sitting doing work, hahahaha...

The last person crying is yuhao(fighter), WA, he and hongsen quarrly over a pencil and both say its theirs and the class is divided so end i let yuhao keep while telling them to go home check first, hahahaha... i made a mistake too, i let 2 guys go downstairs look for their toy, someone threw it down, omg! endup the class all looking out of the class, and i saw Mrs Bok looking out her class, why outside so noisy, omg, i shouted for them to get back, hahahaha...

I collect back all the maths book and prepare to lead them to the hall for dismissal, wa, i will miss them, hahahaha... but i still scold them hard, LOL, after that, i left all the notes of where i have stop to the next teacher, clearup the table i when to meet koo, for dinner, hahahaha... he say my voice really bad, gonna lose my voice soon.

Miss 1 Care...

if you wondering why i remember all their names? hahahaha... i stole the teacher drawings of their class, and their sitting arrangement, LOL also they got this cute thing, called my profilo in the teacher cupboard, there they put their pictures inside and can do or add anything they wan, hahahaha, i look at everyone of them, LOL, so cute!!! some put baby photo, hahaha... megan's cutest thou, LOL... the rest, you look at them in class cuter, hahaha...

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:05:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]