Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wooh, today is tiring! Haha... but tiring in a good way, so old thing, skool start at 9am again, but at least today skool end at 3, then my fencing friend is sick, so i was thinking about not going :X Haha... then mama and MJ is going to town, so i when with them :P Haha... long time since i shop in orchard liao! about 3 weeks late :P brought home lots of stuffs today, 3 t-shirts, 1 jeans... plus plus! today received my first birthday present! so cuteee! thank you ah mah and auntie SY :X then dinner was at sweet secerts, haha... best cheesecake in singapore, wad else do i have to say? :D then after dinner, we when up to the sky garden, haha... really a berry nice and quiet place, but we 4 people there making so much noise, distrubing all the other 'hanky-pankying' couples there, so fun :P so forth day that i was out, tomorrow will be going out again, looking forward to it :P hope its fun~ Haha... well thats all, good nite! bye...

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:38:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]