Thursday, September 02, 2004

++RaiNy tHuRsdAy++
Today wake up rain rain rain liao, haha... brave the rain, run to bus stop but lucky board the bus liao, all the way to NYP is sheltered, meet up with those guys, eat then went for the 'talk'. Ahhh, the mircosoft guy is so cool, maybe 20 years later, i be like him? He looks so professional somemore the chief techology officer of mircosoft singapore leh. Haha... then the IBM turn to talk, i fall asleep in 10 mins :P sianz... After lunch went back for Java lab session, wahh, the sun java studio program looks so much like .net program, haha... everything is done for you liao, lolz... After a long day rush home just in time to watch Singapore idol, wahhh, got 2 girls looks really cute and pretty :) , but only 1 got through to the next round, and the one i heard liao, shocked, wahhh, sounds really good! only thing is the name is simliar to a 'thing' that i really cannot stand... Haha, ahhhh, WM assigment still yet to start, *haiz...* how? :( tomorrow is IS day, jappy and POM, then also OOP assigment details will be out, "personal challenge", to finish it in 1 day, lolz..., the proud teacher say our assigment he only need 2 hours can finish liao, damn... gotta chiong, okay, ganbatte everyone, good nite too, i slept like only 4 hours last nite, *haiz...* byebyeeeee... Y

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:59:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]