Monday, August 30, 2004

++MoNdAy nItE bLuEs++
Ahhh, monday nite, this week is gonna be really really busy, WM assigment starts today and i dun even know how much i got for the proposal, *PraY really hard* 40% of total marks leh, please give me an A! :P Haha... OOP assigment berifing this sat, gotta chiong for the assigment :) and Yes! i finally know how to foward port and get it working, the torrent download speed just pass 100KBs! :) Someone told me that maxOnline 3000 can get till 500KBs, i'm pushing my torrent for that, Haha... but i'hv heard sweden(i think so, cant remember) can got plans for 100Mbs! thats extreme and i wannn it.... ^_^ And bad day for all liverpool fans, we lost :( but nvm, under (RB) we can get better! go gerrard, go cisse, go baros! Hmmm... today nothing much other than skool and finally bought the present for my friend who's birthday is last last sun! lolz! time too sleep liao, good nite~

Ben Lim WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:29:00 PM

-ThE EnD-

[ aBoUt Me ]

nAmE* bEnJaMin LiM
nIcK* BeNny BoY
bOrN* 11th dEcEmBeR
HoMe* sErAnGooN nOrTh
sKooL* nGee AnN pOlY
CoUrSe* mUltI-mEdIa cOmPuTiNg
cLaSs* yEaR 2, M04
hObBiEs* HaViNg fUn & SleEpInG

[ mY LiNkS ]

*hUi wEn
*kA hUi
*KaNg Ni
*pEi YuN
*tIn SoNg
*TiAn cI
*WeI tInG
*wEn JuN

[ ArChIvEs ]

[ TaGgIes ]